Orders can be cancelled within 24 hours after the order has been placed. Please contact us via email if you would like to cancel your order within that time frame.
○ How long does it take for orders to process?
Orders generally take one day to process and 4 weeks to complete. Orders can be done sooner depending on the volume of orders at the time.
○ How do I place an order for custom shoes that are not currently listed on the website?
Please contact us via email or social media with a detailed description describing the custom shoes you would like to order. Provide pictures if possible!
○ When will I receive a tracking number?
When your order has been shipped, an email confirmation with your tracking number will be sent to you. Once your package is scanned by the USPS carrier, your package will be able to be tracked.
○ How long does shipping take?
Shipping usually takes 2 - 3 business days after the order has been completed.
○ Can I exchange or return my custom shoes/clothing?
We do not accept returns or exchanges because the shoes/clothing are custom made to order. Please make sure that you are purchasing the correct size and design.